Thanksgiving Break School's Out Camp!

During Gymnastics camp, campers learned various skills on the trampoline, balance beam and floor exercises. Campers especially loved doing the koala hang on the balance beam and spider hang on the bars. To cool down and take a break campers made Thanksgiving turkeys and wrote what they were thankful for.
Meanwhile upstairs of the NAC, “Cake Wars” was taking place. Campers split up in two teams to bake and design their very own cake from scratch. Campers had to first measure out the proper ingredients and then mix it all together for their final creation. The Gymnastics campers were the judges and they voted on team #1’s cake to be the “Cake Wars” winner!
Join us next time for a competition all day in Camp NAC’s all new theme “The Challenge”, which will take place on Friday. Get suited up for a fun filled day of battles, obstacle courses, and trivia questions. Gymnastics camp will also be held on Friday, so be sure to eat a big breakfast campers to have lots of energy!
See you all soon!
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