Camp Catch Up: Week 1

Every Friday, be sure to check out the Camp Catch Up to see what our awesome campers have been up to each week at Camp NAC!
The first week of Camp NAC was a humongous success! All of our campers and counselors were so excited to see each other and kick off the summer! Here’s a look at what took place during Week 1 of Camp NAC:

Camp NACster

Our NACster variety camp got enjoy so many different special activities throughout the week.
Monday was Jumbo Board Game day and our campers played jumbo Jenga and built gigantic towers with huge stack cups.
Tuesday was Backwards Day for our NACster campers. Everyone, including counselors, wore their shirt backwards the entire day. Also, campers played backwards freeze dance!
Wednesday brought about a special treat! Ice cream sundaes were served to help campers cool off from the summer heat.
Thursday was Detective Day at Camp NACSter. Campers went digging in the sand for clues and even made their very own secret agent cards to take home! They are all now certified secret agents!
Friday, campers completed their week with a cooking day! Our campers each made their own delicious dessert, sand pudding with swedish fish! What an awesome week!
Click the link to check out our NACster activity calendar for the rest of the summer. NACster Activity Calendar

Half Day Specialty Camps

Half Day Whales Tales camp spent of majority of their week at the indoor pool in the main building at the NAC. Their days were spent improving their swimming skills and playing awesome pool games!
Half Day Gymnastics camp got to use the Rockstarz side of our new facility, The NAC Sports Training Center, and also went over to the main building to practice in the gymnastics room located on the third floor. Campers spent their week learning new jumps on the tumble track, practicing pull-ups on the bars, and improving their skills on the balance beam. Also, our little gymnasts got to incorporate all of their new skills today in a performance for their parents! Each gymnasts was awarded a gymnastics certificate for their hard work!

Camp Champs

Our Camp Champs of the week were Isabella from Gymnastics Camp, and John Patrick from NACster Camp. Our Counselor of the Week was one of our new staff memebers, Mr. Sam.
See all the pictures from this week at camp here!